#Conquest Security
Cybersecurity Assessments
Our cybersecurity assessment services identify cybersecurity success areas, highlight opportunities for improvement
Cybersecurity Assessment
Using the NIST Risk Management (RMF) and Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), we enable organizations to better manage and reduce cybersecurity risk by examining the effectiveness of investments in cybersecurity.
Our cybersecurity assessment services identify cybersecurity success areas, highlight opportunities for improvement, and provide a road map to improve cybersecurity maturity in your organization.

Self-Assessment Workshop
Our 2-day Cybersecurity Assessment Workshop provides your internal team with a comprehensive overview of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), controls, and best practices. After attending this workshop, you will be prepared to conduct an internal self-assessment.
Topics include:
- Mission, Needs, and Objectives
- NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF)
- NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)
- Security Requirements Traceability Matrix
- Evidentiary Artifacts
- Security Profiles
- Continuous Improvement Measures

Cybersecurity Assessment
Our experienced team of cybersecurity professionals conducts cybersecurity assessments to help your organization identify strengths and opportunities to reduce cybersecurity risk based on your organization’s mission, needs, and objectives.
Our assessment service provides your organization with:
- Documented Security Requirements
- Current Cybersecurity Posture Profile
- Documentation of Current Strengths
- An Effective Risk-Management Target Profile
- A Gap Analysis and Remediation Recommendations.
- Technical and Business Road Map
- Continuous Improvement Measures